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Authentication ​

Given that the majority of users will integrate the workspace with an external authentication provider (or deploy on a local machine), the default deployment is configured to not require authentication.

The following sections will help you setup our opt-in authentication mechanism.


Remember to click Sign out at the bottom of the File menu when you are done working, as your login session won't expire automatically.

Password Authentication ​

Passed authentication can be easily configured by setting an environment variable when deploying the workspace. Setting your password is as simple as defining an env variable:

  • WS_PASSWORD: plaintext password.
  • WS_PASSWORD_HASHED: hashed passwords (will take precedence over plaintext).


All sensitive env variables are purged prior to deploying the workspace, ensuring that your password is absent from future shell sessions.

docker run \
  -e WS_PASSWORD=super_duper_secret \

Creating a Hashed Password ​

To generate a hashed password, execute the following (replacing "super_duper_secret" with your desired password):

$ echo -n super_duper_secret | npx -s argon2-cli -e

Then deploy the workspace:

docker run \
  -e WS_PASSWORD_HASHED="$argon2i$v=19$m=4096,t=3,p=1$z4DjJlJgI6S7fAdQC35ZQw$Rpu8CLMWedxJaH0eiFCetyoRbg+S8ow/RRyVCZzM6QE" \

Rate Limiting ​

The workspace has a built-in throttling mechanism to rate limit password authentication attempts to two per minute and an additional twelve per hour.

Released under the MIT License